Friday 19 December 2014

Finally ... it's vacation time !

My friends do not be surprised if you do not see me frequently online. For me it's the holidays and I'm going to spend Christmas Eve in Brittany, in my family. I can not easily connect or else using my Android tablet but in this case I will be only able to talk ..

So, for me the moment to get some well deserved rest after all these past adventures ... Rest assured, others will come soon ... I will also take advantage of the holiday to write some articles on this blog. I take a few pictures I took here and there ...

It remains for me to wish you good holidays and a Merry Christmas. Take care of yourself and those you love, and this holiday season, so spare a thought for those who are gone and we miss ...

I will all miss you, even though I am leaving for a few days ... and... I love you !

Merry Christmas !

Thursday 4 December 2014

The Christmas show in preparation at the TOTH

Christmas is fast approaching and rehearsals for the Christmas show at the Theater Of The Hill (TOTH) are organized under the direction of Oli. All artists, dancers, singers, choir members, musicians including myself take a lot of fun and give all the best of themselves for this show is the most beautiful and most successful.

Here are two pictures taken during rehearsals. Others will follow later ...

Believe me, it will be a great show !

Hehe... I specially bought that tuxedo for the show and... lol... I'm cute no ?

Tuesday 25 November 2014

"In Memoriam", for those who have left us and that we will never forget...

Last Sunday at noon SLT held a very moving and solemn performance imaginated and created by the Theatre Of The Hill (TOTH). This show wich was entitled "In Memoriam" and was designed by Oliver, Othon, Gary and some other members of TOTH (sorry for those I not mentioned) was intended to honor, among others, the memory of Fabrice Snook, founder of Gay Archipelago, who passed away in 2011, Avacar Bluestar died few days ago but also friends we all have lost, still sorely lacking today but will always have a place in our hearts and we will never forget ...

The twinies Josh' and Ron' and me playing violins

A poppy rain as so many tears we have shed...

It was amazing  and to continue to honor them I can not resist the urge to publish here a poem written by a friend. It is in French and I hope that the English translation will not change the meaning and significance of these few verses. Thanks so much Djedje for this so nice poem...


Sur l'écran froid de l'ordinateur,
Vint à naître l'humaine chaleur,
Depuis que se croisèrent nos regards,
Ou plutôt devrais-je dire nos avatars,
Fidèles marionnettes de pixels,
Evoluant à l'intérieur de mondes virtuels,
Mais dissimulant des âmes bien réelles,
Que rapprocha la magie d'Internet,
Réduisant de la distance le casse-tête .

Emerveillés nous étions à la vue des richesses,
Que les internautes inventaient de toutes pièces,
Et combien de fois nous sommes nous amusés,
A jouer les apprentis sorciers,
Revêtant d'extraordinaires apparences,
Issues de bestiaires frolant la démence .

Mais mon coeur ne se laissait point tromper,
Sachant que derrière ces débauches d'avatars,
Toutes ces myriades de facettes illusoires,
Il n'y avait qu'une seule et même personne,
Que rien encore d'ailleurs ne détrone,
Que ce soit en virtuel ou en vrai .

Car nous sortions de nos inventaires,
Objets et autres gadgets qui témoignèrent,
Comme autant de virtuelles allégories,
De nos sentiments qui dans la vraie vie,
Etaient bel et bien sincères .

Par chance l'ont réussi à aller au delà,
De ces mondes colorés ou le Rêve est Roi,
Pour se rencontrer réellement, avec joie,
Dans cette réalité de matière,
Dans laquelle les Sens enfin se manifèstèrent,
Pas comme en virtuel, bien au contraire .

Mais la Fin étant commune à toutes choses,
Cette Fin dont ne peut rien ce monde morose,
Pas plus hélas que les mondes virtuels,
Ou tout semble possible pourtant,
Il a fallu que te frappe un sort cruel,
Te déconnectant des deux mondes éternellement .

L'on envoya condoléances à ta réelle famille,
Et dans les univers où tu aimais te promener,
Un virtuel mémorial te fut dressé,
A son pied des fleurs inodorantes,
Mais aux couleurs resplendissantes,
Qui pour toi désormais à jamais brillent .

Mes larmes étaient tout sauf de pixels,
Et toi tu revêtais ton ultime avatar,
Qui depuis demeure en ma mémoire,
Celui d'un ange que n'effacera aucun logiciel .

Author : Djedje Freshi.


On the cold computer screen,
Came unborn human warmth,
Since our eyes crossed,
Or should I say our avatars,
Faithful pixels puppets,
Evolving within virtual worlds
But concealing the very real souls
That approached the magic of the Internet,
Reducing the distance the puzzle.

Amazed we were in sight of wealth,
That people invented from nothing,
And how many times we had fun ,
To play the sorcerer's apprentice,
Extraordinary appearances coating,
From bestiaries bordering on insanity.

But my heart did not allow himself to deceive,
Knowing that behind these avatars debauchery
All these myriad facets illusory,
There was only one person,
Nothing yet elsewhere dethroned
Whether virtual or real.

Because we went out of our inventories,
Objects and other gadgets that testified,
As many virtual allegories,
Our feelings in real life,
Were indeed sincere.

Luckily have managed to go beyond,
These colorful worlds or Dream is King
To actually meet with joy
In this reality of matter,
In which the Sens finally manifested,
Not as in virtual, on the contrary.

But the end is common to all things,
This end which can do nothing this gloomy world,
No more alas that virtual worlds,
Or anything seems possible, however,
It took a cruel fate strikes you,
disconnecting of both worlds forever.

We sent condolences to your real family,
And in the world where you loved a walk,
A virtual memorial was erected to you,
At its foot some inodorantes flowers,
But the resplendent colors,
That for you now forever shine.

My tears were anything but not only pixels,
And you, you wearing your last avatar,
Since that remains in my memory,
The one of an angel that will be never
 deleted by any software...

Oliver  and Hetwhen singing duet...

All the team, choir and singers and don't forget to mention Gary at the technic staff...

Sunday 23 November 2014

Test of the day : a fantastic Willy's Jeep !

Yesterday, while I was doing my usual shopping, I received a notice coming from a news letter that I had to take out inviting me to go and try a vehicle. Judging by the photo that was attached to the landmark it was undoubtedly a replica of the famous Willy's Jeep, the vehicle of the US Army who distinguished itself during World War II from moment he landed on the beaches of Normandy and until the end of that world tragedy...

I guess you start to know me well, so, my curiosity kindled at the highest point, I went into the shop creator, found the object vendor and  pressed the button "rez a demo" and I got behind the wheel of the jeep. I must say that I was literally amazed by the work, details and the authenticity of the replica.
And I do not even talk about the driving sensations and about the engine noise which had fully enchanted me !  Bravo and congratulations to the creator Kejwla Anwyl.

It is decided, as soon as my wallet will contain enough money to offer me this little gem, I will enjoy myself and I will offer this legendary vehicle ...
Ah if you also want try that car or some other from the same creator (a Pontiac Tempest "Le Mans GTO", a Mustang "1968 Fasback"...), just go there at : RACING BIKES
mmmmm... I want it !

Completely identical to the original...

...and so detailed !

Thursday 13 November 2014

A serial killer plaguing second life and commit grisly murders !!!

Since the first of November, four bodies were found naked and horribly mutilated and lying in their blood. One man and three women each murdered in their own apartment...

Of course, you guessed it, it's a game, or rather a hunt organized in second life and lasts from 1 to 30 November. But wowowoow, what a game !!! I,  who used to practice freebies hunt in second life I have never seen a game as successful and as well made as this game entitled : BLOOD LETTERS

A remarkably constructed scenario, a detective story about sex and eroticism, a staging and scenery worthy of a Hollywood production, and a serial killer story whose psychological profile sometimes recalls that of Hannibal Lecter in The Silence of the Lambs

You will have to go to different places, meet police officers who will give you more clues, find a USB key that you need to connect to your laptop and allows you to access the police database, query a woman writer author of a book on serial killers ... Finally you will not have a minute of respite and you will additionally pay attention that the killer does not make you the next victim!

Here is the synopsys and presentation in a few lines of the designers of this extraordinary games :

"Samantha "The Mantis" Mason is a world renowned serial killer who has been locked away in prison for her brutal slayings. 12 months later, a copycat killer has surfaced and begun using The Mantis' M.O. which is causing massive panic.You will assume the role of a Private Investigator for CheckMate Inc. which specializes in infidelity investigations. You've caught the attention of the sadistic killer and one day you receive a threatening letter with the Mantis signature. It’s clear that you're going to be the next victim... Will you catch the killer before you're dead ?
It is important to note that for participate in this game and lead the investigation you will have to pay 400 L$ to buy the HUD that allows you to get clues and details of places where you need to go. Yes, you could say : damn ' it is not cheap !", but frankly, the quality and value of the prizes and gifts you're going to get well beyond this investment so do not hesitate and you too, try to stop that serial killer whom we even not know if it is a man or a woman... 

Bravo and congratulations to the creators ! Feel free to prepare other games of this type and a big thank you to Melody, oupssss sorry, Melo, who accompanied me and helped me for the start of this fantastic investigation. thank you and kisses Melo...
The body of the first victim. Likely that poor guy was stabbed several times in
 full orgasm. Traces of sperm on the sofa testifies ...

The second victim, brutally slaughtered while she was lounging in the bath...

This bastard serial killer sent me a letter. He is preparing
 to commit another murder. I absolutly need
 to prevent his next victim... 
Damned, too late ! Me and Melo arrived too late and the poor woman was murdered 
 after being sexually abused ... It remains for us to call the police, take pictures 
of the crime scene and try to take clues .. .

On each body the same message - "Thank You" - written with the blood of the victim. 
The signing of the killer ...

OMG ! a fourth cadaver. This woman is dead her skull smashed with an axe... 
who will be the next one ?


Tuesday 11 November 2014

Pic of the day !

There are some days I was shopping and, at the entrance of a shop, there was a photo booth. As I've always liked the little vintage side of these devices, I pulled the curtain, sat on the stool after adjusting the height and I inserted a piece in the space provided for this purpose...

Here is the result. I love this picture and you ?

Saturday 8 November 2014

Mini cruise in Blake Sea...

Living in Second Norway, in addition to benefit from all the facilities and services provided (a train line, an airport, many marina, spots where you can fish, etc ...), allows also to sail for short or longer cruises as Second Norway is connected to Blake Sea and ocean SL and consists of about 350 interconnected sims !
Also, a few days ago, while I enjoy so far
navigate and  enjoy the tropical heat and sun browsing my fully naked body (mmmmmm!) in  Eden,   I wanted to navigate cooler waters and sometimes most tumultuous. So I put on my boots, my sailing coat, and then I called Mr. Adrian to see if he was up for a mini-cruise to Blake Sea.

Mr. Adrian agreed, and he was soon at home and aboard. We weighed anchor and we started to enjoy the remarkable landscapes and romantic places that sometimes conceals Blake Sea ...

Here are some pictures that speak for themselves anddon't need comments...

My new boat (the fantastik Bandit 55) "Naughty Boys II" mooring in a cove not far from Baltik

Here,  we prepare to take this beautiful little channel

Mr. Adrian is back in the cockpit after going prepare tea

Now in open water where we head crosswind at a good speed upwind of this impressive lighthouse...

Thursday 6 November 2014

Do not miss this eventful evening !

If you do not know what to do Saturday November 8, you can already note on your calendar there will be a party at  Mkalvania for Samhain fest. It will start at 12:00 SLT. A small fair was installed for the occasion in front of the main gate of the castle.

A Ferris wheel and rides were installed...

...and the tent of the small "circus of dreams" come straight from east !

A little bit later in the evening, at 02:00 PM SLT, you can call a taxi or a dragon to get to Corinthia Isle to attend the performance of the show-concert "Michael Jackson - Britney Spears songs & dances" in which I dance as well as other friends as Yanneck, Adrian, Starr, Beez, Chris, Ilyas and lot of others... (see also the previous post "Las rehearsals before the show !")

An evening that promises to be rich to be missed under any circumstances. Oh, yeah, for the party to Mkalvania, you can expect a swimsuit because it takes place in the bathouse !!!

Sunday 2 November 2014

New profile pics !

Starr, a friend I met during rehearsals of the show that pays tribute to Michael Jackson and Britney Spears and has a photo studio, kindly offered me to get a new profile picture so that it is updated .

Here below, the result of her work. Which of these two photos do you prefer ?

Thank you to Starr for her invaluable and generous contribution, and don't hesitate to contact her if you need, she is so nice !


...and unshaved !

Last rehearsals before the show !

Currently, at the initiative of Ilyas and Rene, we prepare a dance show on the theme of Michael Jackson and Britney Spears. This show, whose first version was made ​​before the summer break has been somewhat modified and will be presented on November 8. Some of the most famous titles of Michael Jackson and Britney Spears will be presented with original choregraphies !

The show will be really high quality and all the members of the cast put their heart and give the best of themselves to make this show a success and that beguile the public.

Congratulations to Ilyas, Rene Starr, Chris, Yanneck, Sydney, Adrian, Beez, Sissy, Sexy, Rainchecker, Astaris, Rainchecker and all the others I could mention.

Book now your time to not miss this show under any circumstances !

Ilyas is really good in Michael Jackson !

...and I'm so nice...

... in Iasfy !!!

Sunday 26 October 2014

Pic of the day... bis !

If I had little enthusiasm yesterday, today I woke up full of energy after a night in my boat moored at Eden Jakana. After a good breakfast, I took out everything you need to clean and I started to polish the boat deck. Varnished wood requires a lot of maintenance... 

When the boat was cleaned, I cast off, hoisted the sails and I headed to the marina of Eden where M. Adrian waited for me. Once, my friend boarded we headed for a spot of scuba diving... 

The next in a future post !

Go on and it has to shine !

Saturday 25 October 2014

Pic of the day !

Today I feel a bit lazy to write. So, you will settle for these few lines and this photo but rest assured, I still have plenty pics and topics to write more consistent posts on my daily adventures in Second Life and by the way, do not often said that a picture is worth a thousand discour, eh ?

Nice boat and...nice butt !

Saturday 18 October 2014

Camping improvised !

The other night I had a bit of melancholy and rather than put myself in milled black, I called some friends and we went to my little vacation home located in Eden, a naturist sim. Quickly, we undressed and completely naked, we enjoyed the pleasures of the beach and sea !

Lounging, swimming, sunbathing, playing freesbie. Finally, it helped me to put away my black thoughts. As the weather was so beautiful, we decided then to go surfing. We quickly came aboard the boat and we weigh anchor and hoist the sails.

There were good waves and we enjoyed ourselves. Then we are all back on board and I suggested to my friends to continue our mini cruise. I had an idea in mind ; showing them a little piece of heaven located somewhere in Fruit Island.

After a few nautical miles made ​​port tack in a crosswind, we arrived on this beautiful island. My friend was delighted to discover this beautiful place with lush vegetation,
waterfalls and small pools to swim in crystal clear water...

As it was getting late, I proposed my friends to spend the night on this island. A small camp was quickly installed.

After a good soup and a few cups of coffee or tea we decided to hold a seance of spiritism. I placed a Ouija board on the crate, we have been silent and we focused and we have seen the little piece of wood moving on the Ouija board to form words and give answers to questions. It was very impressive and funny at the same time.
Then, tired and happy we went to bed and no doubt,  all of us have been dreaming to other adventures full of friendsip...

On the way for a mini cruise !

Arrival on that mysterious and amazing island...

From left to right : Yanneck, Georg, me, Adrian, Tristan and Yael

Ready to call and ask the spirits of the afterlife...
Now, it is time for bed !

Wednesday 8 October 2014

Let's go sailing !

Sunday afternoon, after my golf game and as the weather was beautiful, I decided to invite Tristan for a little competitive sailing session.

Sunny sky and above a fairly strong and steady winds were ideal conditions for using the Nacra 17, a rather swift catamaran !

We are prepared, coated with sunscreen all around (navigate naked under the sun of Eden may have serious and stinging consequences !). we donning the harness using for the trapeze and we left, carrying a swimsuit in case our short cruise would take us out from the nudist area of Eden !

It was extraordinary and Tristan, my teammate, acted on boat like a professional !

We had a great time ... and what better way to navigate naked !?

Beautiful sea and good breeze...

Ready to tack !

This Nacra catamaran is really great !

You can see Nacra 17 and all the others boats from Dutch and Analyse at the Mesh Shop - Bandit - Dutch Harbor